Chest/Shoulder Pain

Chest pain can be scary. If chest pain symptoms have been determined to be non-emergent, chiropractic care can provide relief. Sudden and sharp chest pain should be evaluated immediately to rule out a heart attack. If not heart-related, pain, pressure, or muscle spasms in the chest could be caused by misalignment of the mid-spine or a rib.

Shoulder pain (in one side or both) is commonly caused by poor posture or slouching as well as injuries or improper exercising.

Whether the pain is from the shoulder, chest, or ribs, can be mistaken for a heart attack and can be referred to as “pseudo-angina.” When a patient wakes up with pain, a costotransverse sprain might have happened while sleeping in an awkward position or pulling something while turning over.

Pain extending from the ribs can radiate to the chest and tends to be sharp and acute but usually responds to chiropractic treatment quickly.

Whether dealing with shoulder or chest pain, the chiropractors at Warsaw Chiropractic are experts in relieving pain. Depending on the severity and source of the pain, a personalized treatment plan will be devised to provide relief and return the patient to their regular activities. Call 660-438-5224 for an appointment.